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PIP Package

🌟 Exciting News! Now, you can integrate gpt-researcher with your apps seamlessly!

Steps to Install GPT Researcher 🛠️

Follow these easy steps to get started:

  1. Pre-requisite: Ensure Python 3.10+ is installed on your machine 💻
  2. Install gpt-researcher: Grab the official package from PyPi.
pip install gpt-researcher
  1. Environment Variables: Create a .env file with your OpenAI API key or simply export it
export OPENAI_API_KEY={Your OpenAI API Key here}
export TAVILY_API_KEY={Your Tavily API Key here}
  1. Start using GPT Researcher in your own codebase

Example Usage 📝

from gpt_researcher import GPTResearcher
import asyncio

from gpt_researcher import GPTResearcher
import asyncio

async def get_report(query: str, report_type: str) -> str:
researcher = GPTResearcher(query, report_type)
research_result = await researcher.conduct_research()
report = await researcher.write_report()
return report

if __name__ == "__main__":
query = "what team may win the NBA finals?"
report_type = "research_report"

report =, report_type))

Specific Examples 🌐

Example 1: Research Report 📚

query = "Latest developments in renewable energy technologies"
report_type = "research_report"

Example 2: Resource Report 📋

query = "List of top AI conferences in 2023"
report_type = "resource_report"

Example 3: Outline Report 📝

query = "Outline for an article on the impact of AI in education"
report_type = "outline_report"

Integration with Web Frameworks 🌍

FastAPI Example

from fastapi import FastAPI
from gpt_researcher import GPTResearcher
import asyncio

app = FastAPI()

async def get_report(query: str, report_type: str) -> dict:
researcher = GPTResearcher(query, report_type)
research_result = await researcher.conduct_research()
report = await researcher.write_report()
return {"report": report}

# Run the server
# uvicorn main:app --reload

Flask Example

Pre-requisite: Install flask with the async extra.

pip install 'flask[async]'
from flask import Flask, request
from gpt_researcher import GPTResearcher

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/report/<report_type>', methods=['GET'])
async def get_report(report_type):
query = request.args.get('query')
researcher = GPTResearcher(query, report_type)
research_result = await researcher.conduct_research()
report = await researcher.write_report()
return report

# Run the server
# flask run

Run the server

flask run

Example Request

curl -X GET "http://localhost:5000/report/research_report?query=what team may win the nba finals?"

Note: The above code snippets are just examples. You can customize them as per your requirements.