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Getting Started

Step 0 - Install Python 3.11 or later. See here for a step-by-step guide.

Step 1 - Download the project and navigate to its directory

$ git clone
$ cd gpt-researcher

Step 3 - Set up API keys using two methods: exporting them directly or storing them in a .env file.

For Linux/Temporary Windows Setup, use the export method:

export OPENAI_API_KEY={Your OpenAI API Key here}
export TAVILY_API_KEY={Your Tavily API Key here}

For a more permanent setup, create a .env file in the current gpt-researcher folder and input the keys as follows:

OPENAI_API_KEY={Your OpenAI API Key here}
TAVILY_API_KEY={Your Tavily API Key here}
  • For LLM, we recommend OpenAI GPT, but you can use any other LLM model (including open sources) supported by Langchain Adapter, simply change the llm model and provider in config/
  • For search engine, we recommend Tavily Search API, but you can also refer to other search engines of your choice by changing the search provider in config/ to "duckduckgo", "googleAPI", "bing", "googleSerp", or "searx". Then add the corresponding env API key as seen in the file.


Step 1 - Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2 - Run the agent with FastAPI

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

Step 3 - Go to http://localhost:8000 on any browser and enjoy researching!

Using Virtual Environment or Poetry

Select either based on your familiarity with each:

Virtual Environment

Establishing the Virtual Environment with Activate/Deactivate configuration

Create a virtual environment using the venv package with the environment name <your_name>, for example, env. Execute the following command in the PowerShell/CMD terminal:

python -m venv env

To activate the virtual environment, use the following activation script in PowerShell/CMD terminal:


To deactivate the virtual environment, run the following deactivation script in PowerShell/CMD terminal:


Install the dependencies for a Virtual environment

After activating the env environment, install dependencies using the requirements.txt file with the following command:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Establishing the Poetry dependencies and virtual environment with Poetry version ~1.7.1

Install project dependencies and simultaneously create a virtual environment for the specified project. By executing this command, Poetry reads the project's "pyproject.toml" file to determine the required dependencies and their versions, ensuring a consistent and isolated development environment. The virtual environment allows for a clean separation of project-specific dependencies, preventing conflicts with system-wide packages and enabling more straightforward dependency management throughout the project's lifecycle.

poetry install

Activate the virtual environment associated with a Poetry project

By running this command, the user enters a shell session within the isolated environment associated with the project, providing a dedicated space for development and execution. This virtual environment ensures that the project dependencies are encapsulated, avoiding conflicts with system-wide packages. Activating the Poetry shell is essential for seamlessly working on a project, as it ensures that the correct versions of dependencies are used and provides a controlled environment conducive to efficient development and testing.

poetry shell

Run the app

Launch the FastAPI application agent on a Virtual Environment or Poetry setup by executing the following command:

python -m uvicorn main:app --reload

Visit http://localhost:8000 in any web browser and explore your research!

Try it with Docker

Step 1 - Install Docker

Follow instructions at

Step 2 - Create .env file with your OpenAI Key or simply export it

$ export OPENAI_API_KEY={Your API Key here}
$ export TAVILY_API_KEY={Your Tavily API Key here}

Step 3 - Run the application

$ docker-compose up

Step 4 - Go to http://localhost:8000 on any browser and enjoy researching!